Updated on December 31, 2024 07:43:07 AM
Trademark Class 45, protects a business or firm that deals with services related to social, personal or legal services. Registering a trademark provides many benefits to businesses that want to establish a strong brand authority. It also provides many legal security to the trademark’s owner and protects from infringement.
This article will provide complete information about trademark class 45, its meaning and the comprehensive list of services that fall under trademark class 45.
Trademark Class 45 consists of all the services connected with social, legal and personal services. There are a total of 45 classes according to the Nice Classification. This classification category approx 80,000 goods and services on behalf of the nature of the business and products.
Trademark Class 45 is one of these classes that fall into in-service classes. It is very important for that business their nature serves social and legal services. These classes help the business to distinguish itself from the competitor that deals in the same category.
Tata consultancy services, Infosys, Wipro, SBI, ICICI, and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited are some examples of well-known trademarks that are registered in trademark class 45.
Here is a comprehensive list of services provided below that Trademark Class 45 covers:
Category | Services of Trademark Class 45 |
Social and Legal Services |
Personal Services |
Some points are given below that should be in mind before going to register the trademark in trademark class 45:
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Trademark Class 45, is broadly listed the services related to social, legal and personal services such as legal research, personal bodyguarding, security consultancy, pet sitting and others. However, the applicant should be very clear regarding their business’s nature. During the registration, they must select the correct class, which provides a strong legal authority upon the trademark and also help in business expansion.
Trademark Class 45 consists of all the services connected with social, legal and personal services.
The needed documents for an electronic Trademark are a logo, Nature of Goods & Service, Aadhar Card, GST, Signed Power of Attorney, Signed User Affidavit, MSME Certificate, and Start-up Certificate.
The basic government fees for Trademark Registration are Rs. 4500 for the online Registration and Rs. 5000 for the offline mode. This fee will be increased according to the number of Classes selected by the applicants during the filing.
Yes, security consultancy falls under trademark class 45.
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