Trademark Class 14: Precious Metal and Jewellery

Updated on July 08, 2024 09:15:42 AM

Trademark Class 14 is a crucial category in the world of intellectual property, that extends a wide range of items. Precious metals and alloys, jewellery, watches, and other horological devices all have a place in this category. As a critical component of the worldwide Trademark classification system, Class 14 is critical in protecting the identities of enterprises in the jewellery and timekeeping industries.

This article gets into the complexities of Trademark Class 14, offering light on its significance, the depth of protection it provides, and the numerous procedures that businesses have to navigate to obtain their distinctive marks in this highly specialised arena.

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What is Trademark Class 14?

Trademark Class 14 includes precious metals and alloys, as well as objects made from these materials, such as jewellery, wristwatches, and precious stones. This class is essential for businesses looking for protection for their ornaments, watches, and costly jewels.

It covers products such as rings, necklaces, and watches, ensuring that trademarks registered under Class 14 clearly cover these luxury and decorative goods. Businesses may protect their brand identification and prohibit unlawful use of their trademarks in the field of precious metals and jewellery by filing within this class, confirming their distinctive market position.

A Comprehensive List of Items Covered Under Trademark Class 14

The comprehensive list of Items given below Covers trademark Class 14:

Category Items covered under Trademark Class 14
Jewellery and Adornments
  • Agates
  • Amulets
  • Bracelets
  • Brooches
  • Busts of precious metal
  • Chains
  • Charms
  • Cufflinks
  • Earrings
  • Figurines/statuettes of precious metal
  • Hat ornaments of precious metal
  • Ivory jewellery
  • Jet ornaments
  • Lockets
  • Medals
  • Necklaces
  • Olivine (peridot)
  • Ornamental pins
  • Ornaments of jet
  • Pearls
  • Pins
  • Rings
  • Shoe ornaments of precious metal
  • Silver thread
  • Spinel (precious stones)
  • Statues of precious metal
  • Tie clips
  • Tie pins
  • Threads of precious metal
Timekeeping Instruments
  • Alarm clocks
  • Atomic clocks
  • Chronographs (watches)
  • Chronometers
  • Clock hands
  • Clock cases
  • Clocks
  • Clocks and watches, electric
  • Clockworks
  • Control clocks (master clocks)
  • Dials (clock- and watchmaking)
  • Movements for clocks and watches
  • Pendulums (clock- and watchmaking)
  • Stopwatches
  • Sundials
  • Watch bands/straps for wristwatches
  • Watch chains
  • Watch springs
  • Watch glasses/crystals
  • Watch cases
  • Watches
  • Wristwatches
Precious Metals and Alloys
  • Alloys of precious metal
  • Badges of precious metal
  • Barrels (clock- and watchmaking)
  • Boxes of precious metal
  • Copper tokens
  • Gold, unwrought or beaten
  • Gold thread
  • Ingots of precious metals
  • Iridium
  • Osmium
  • Palladium
  • Platinum
  • Precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought
  • Rhodium
  • Ruthenium
  • Silver, unwrought or beaten
  • Spun silver (silver wire)
Gemstones and Minerals
  • Diamonds
  • Jet, unwrought or semi-wrought
  • Pearls made of ambroid (pressed amber)
  • Precious stones
  • Semi-precious stones
Costume Jewelry and Imitations
  • Paste jewellery (costume jewellery)
  • Paste jewellery (costume jewellery, Am.)
Miscellaneous Items
  • Beads for making jewellery
  • Boxes for clock- and watchmaking
  • Chronometric instruments
  • Chronoscopes
  • Coins
  • Hat ornaments of precious metal
  • Jewellery findings
  • Jewellery rolls
  • Key rings (trinkets or fobs)
  • Movements for clocks and watches
  • Ornaments (jewellery)
  • Pearls (jewellery)
  • Precious metals, unwrought or semi-wrought
  • Threads of precious metal (jewellery)
  • Works of art of precious metal

Points to be Remember before TM Registration in Class 14

  • Comprehensive TM search: The applicant should do a comprehensive TM search before registering as a TM in class 14. It helps to give full details on the availability of the trademark that the applicant wants to apply.
  • Choose a Strong and Distinct Mark: The candidate must choose a strong and distinctive trademark. It helps the brand stand out in the marketplace and contributes to giving it a distinctive appearance.
  • Consult With TM Attorney: A complex process, TM registration carries a high risk of rejection even for minor errors. However, for hassle-free registration, the applicant has to communicate with the TM attorney.
    As a TM attorney, "Litem Legalis" will be your best option

Why Choose Us?

"Litem Legalis" is a team of experienced professionals who can assist you in simply registering a trademark. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible customer care by keeping them updated throughout the whole process of their TM Registration. We have years of experience in TM registration and a low rejection rate.

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Trademark Class 14 includes precious metals and alloys, as well as objects made from these materials, such as jewellery, wristwatches, and precious stones. This class is essential for businesses looking for protection for their accessories, watches, and costly jewels. It covers products such as rings, necklaces, and watches, ensuring that trademarks registered under Class 14 clearly cover these luxury and decorative goods. Businesses may protect their brand identification and prohibit unlawful use of their trademarks in the field of precious metals and jewellery by filing within this class, and verifying their distinctive market position.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which class of trademark do vehicles fall under?

According to the Nice Classification, vehicles and related equipment fall under class 14.

What is covered by Trademark Class 14?

Trademark Class 14 consists of all the goods or products related to vehicles and their tools such as Aeroplanes, Cars, Air Cusine vehicles and many more.

What are the fees of the trademark for paint products?

The basic government fees for registration are Rs. 4500 for the online registration and Rs. 5000 for the offline mode. This fee will be increased according to the number of classes selected by the applicants during the filing.

What documents are needed for trademark Class 14?

The needed documents are a logo, Nature of Goods and services, Aadhar Card, GST, Signed Power of Attorney, Signed User Affidavit, MSME Certificate, and Start-up Certificate.

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