Trademark Class 44: Beauty Care and Medical Services

Updated on August 05, 2024 10:25:08 AM

Trademark Class 44 secures a business uniqueness that deals with the services related to beauty care, health care and medical services. Trademark registration is one of the main parts of a business that wants to establish a strong brand identity in the marketplace.

This article will help you to get complete knowledge about Trademark Class 44, and its meaning with a comprehensive list of services that are covered by Trademark Class 44.

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About Trademark Class 44

Trademark Class 44 listed all those services that deal with medical, healthcare and beauty care. Around 80,000 products and services are mentioned by the Nice Classification according to the nature of the work or business. These classification categories are in a total of 45 classes and two main groups: goods classes ( 1-34) and Services classes (35-45).

Trademark Class 44 is one of the main classes that come in-service classes. It mainly includes the services like animal breeding, hospitals, beauty salon, gardening and many more.

Examples of popular trademarks of Trademark Class 44

Here are some examples of popular trademarks mentioned below that are registered under trademark class 44:

  1. Apollo Hospitals: Medical assistance and healthcare
  2. Fortis Healthcare: Medical Facilities
  3. Dr Batra’s: Homoeopathic clinic
  4. Kaya Skin Clinic: Cosmetics and Dermatological treatment
  5. Himalaya Drug Company: Pharmaceutical and cosmetics preparation
  6. Vasan Eye Care: Eye examination, surgeries and treatment

A Comprehensive Services List of Trademark Class 44

A comprehensive list of services given below that cover Trademark class 44:

Category Services of Trademark Class 44
Medical services
  • alternative medicine services
  • animal breeding
  • animal grooming
  • artificial insemination services
  • blood bank services
  • chiropractics
  • dentistry
  • Hospitals
  • medical clinic services
  • medical assistance
  • medical equipment rental
  • medical advice for individuals with disabilities
  • nursing homes
  • nursing, medical
  • pharmacists’ services to make up prescriptions
  • pharmacy advice
  • services of a psychologist
  • rehabilitation for substance abuse patients
  • telemedicine services
  • veterinary assistance
Beauty and Healthcare Services
  • aromatherapy services
  • beauty salons
  • convalescent homes/rest homes
  • depilatory waxing
  • hair implantation
  • hairdressing salons
  • health care
  • health spa services
  • health centres / health centres
  • hospices
  • manicuring
  • massage
  • opticians’ services
  • orthodontic services
  • pet grooming
  • plastic surgery
  • public baths for hygiene purposes
  • sanatoriums
  • sauna services
  • solarium services
  • tattooing
  • therapy services
  • Turkish baths
  • visagists’ services
  • wreath making
Agricultural Services
  • Spreading fertilisers and other agricultural chemicals from the air and on the ground
  • aquaculture services
  • in vitro fertilisation services
  • flower arranging
  • gardening
  • horticulture
  • landscape gardening
  • lawn care
  • plant nurseries
  • tree surgery
  • tree planting for carbon offsetting purposes
  • vermin exterminating for agriculture, horticulture and forestry
  • weed killing

Common Mistakes during TM Registration under Trademark Class 44

During the TM registration process, the applicant makes a number of mistakes, raising the possibility of rejection or objection. The following are some common mistakes:

  1. A lack of distinctiveness increases the chances of a mark being rejected. In most cases, this error creates some circumstances that cause consumer confusion and destroys goodwill for the other party.
  2. If a TM search is not conducted before trademark registration, it is more likely that an objection will be raised during the trademark inspection process.
  3. During the trademark registration process, incorrect categorization of products and services increases the risk of infringement. A careful selection of the class should be made by the applicant, taking into account the nature of the services or products.

How Can Litem Legalis Help You?

Professional attorneys at Litem Legalis is specialise in helping customers register trademarks quickly and effectively. Through open communication and regular updates throughout the whole TM registration process, we provide exceptional customer service. Since we have a low rejection rate thanks to our considerable expertise and experience in trademark registration, we are the best solution for your requirements.

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Trademark Class 44 mainly covers services related to medicine, healthcare, beauty care and agriculture, such as dentistry, Horticulture, plastic surgery, massage and many others. This classification tells about the nature of the business and its work or services. Therefore the applicant must ensure their trademark, if they select the wrong categories during the registration, it will make a higher possibility of being rejected or getting opposition. The applicant must consult with the TM attorney where they can consult all the probabilities of the opposition and rejection and select the correct option to get easy and hassle-free registration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Trademark Class 44?

Trademark Class 44 listed all those services that deal with medical, healthcare and beauty care.

Which documents are required for TM Registration?

The needed documents for an electronic Trademark are a logo, Nature of Goods & Service, Aadhar Card, GST, Signed Power of Attorney, Signed User Affidavit, MSME Certificate, and Start-up Certificate.

What are the fees for Trademark Registration?

The basic government fees for Trademark Registration are Rs. 4500 for the online Registration and Rs. 5000 for the offline mode. This fee will be increased according to the number of Classes selected by the applicants during the filing.

Does lawn care fall under trademark class 44?

Yes, lawn care services fall under trademark class 44.

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