Updated on March 01, 2025 11:14:13 AM
Trademark Class 40, secures a business that belongs to the services of treatment of materials. Registering a Trademark provides many legal assurances to the business by giving the sole authority to the owner. During the TM Registration, selecting the right class is very essential. It will provide a thorough description of the nature of the work and help to give a distinct identity to the business.
This article will provide complete information about trademark class 40, including its meaning and a thorough services list that is covered under trademark class 40.
Trademark Class 40, listed all those services related to the treatment and transformation of material by mechanical and chemical processes. As per the work or business nature, there are a total of 45 classes and two main groups that are categorised by the Nice classification.
Under the Nice classification, Trademark Class 40 belongs to the service class. This class broadly listed the services like tin plating, cloth cutting, textile mothproofing, printing and many more. These classes help the business to distinguish itself from the competitor that deals in the same category.
Canon, Nike, Gillette, Rolex, and Bosch are some examples of well-known brands that deal in manufacturing and transforming that registered their trademark under Trademark Class 40.
Here is the thorough list of services provided below that covers in Trademark Class 40:
Category | Services of Trademark Class 40 |
Custom Manufacturing and treatment |
Material Treatment and Processing |
Recycling and Work Treatment |
Material Treatment Information and Advisory Services |
Some points are mentioned below that must be remembered during the TM registration in Trademark Class 40:
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Trademark Class 40 broadly mentions all the services related to the transformation and treatment of material through any process. If you provide these types of services, you must select this class when filing your TM application. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that their business meets the requirements. Choosing the incorrect class when submitting their application will increase their chances of being rejected. Thus, applicants need to consult with a professional trademark attorney who can provide them with effective guidance and help them save time and money.
Trademark Class 40 listed all those services related to the treatment and transformation of material by mechanical and chemical processes.
The needed documents for an electronic Trademark are a logo, Nature of Goods & Service, Aadhar Card, GST, Signed Power of Attorney, Signed User Affidavit, MSME Certificate, and Start-up Certificate.
The basic government fees for Trademark Registration are Rs. 4500 for the online Registration and Rs. 5000 for the offline mode. This fee will be increased according to the number of Classes selected by the applicants during the filing.
Yes, photographic printings fall under trademark class 40.
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