Trademark Class 38 : Telecommunication Services

Updated on October 03, 2024 04:21:31 AM

Any company related to telecommunication and broadcasting can prevent their distinctiveness by registering its trademark under trademark class 38.Trademark Registration is a crucial element for a successful business, it provides several legal or exclusive rights to the trademark holder. However, the correct selection of trademark classes according to the business nature also helps in distinguishing the work from other competitors.

This article will provide complete information about trademark class 38 and its meaning including a thorough list of services and some points that must be remembered by the applicant during the TM registration.

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What is Trademark Class 38?

Trademark Class 38 includes all the services associated with telecommunication and broadcasting. Trademark Classes give thorough descriptions of the work or nature of business. These classes are categorised according to the nice classification that mentions approximately 80,000 work and products into a total of 45 classes and two main groups.

Trademark Class 38 is one of the classes that fall under the Service group. This class mainly mentions the services that allow one person to talk or communicate with another in an oral or visual way, such as mail, message, communication by telephone and many others.

Trademark Class 38 Examples

There are some examples of popular brands that have secured their uniqueness by registering their trademark under Trademark Class 38:

  1. Vodafone: Telecommunication services, mobile communication services, network operator services.
  2. Airtel: Telecommunication services, mobile phone services.
  3. BSNL: Telecommunication services, Telegraph services.
  4. Hathway: Telecommunication services, Cable television, broadband services.
  5. Reliance Communication: Telecommunication, mobile phone services, satellite communication services.

Services list of Trademark Class 38

Here is the comprehensive services list provided below that fall under trademark class 38:

Category Services of Trademark Class 38
Telecommunication Services
  • electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]
  • rental of telecommunication equipment
  • providing telecommunication channels for teleshopping services
  • providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network
  • telecommunications routing and junction services
  • information about telecommunication
  • teleconferencing services
  • video conferencing services
  • communications by telegrams
  • communications by telephone
  • communications by cellular phones
  • communications by computer terminals
  • telegraph services
  • telephone services
  • rental of telephones
  • voice mail services
  • message sending
Broadcasting Services
  • cable television broadcasting
  • television broadcasting
  • radio broadcasting
  • radio communications
  • wireless broadcasting
  • paging services
  • providing internet chat rooms
  • satellite transmission
  • streaming of data
  • news agencies/wire service
  • electronic mail
  • rental of access time to global computer networks
  • telex services
  • transmission of digital files

Points to be Remembered

Some points are mentioned below that must be remembered during the TM registration in Trademark Class 38:

  1. Selecting Distinct Mark: A distinct mark provides a unique identity to the brand. If the applicant selects a mark that is similar to others it can cause confusion and a very high probability to get rejection or opposition during the registration procedure.
  2. Conducting TM Search: Before the TM registration in trademark class 38, conducting a TM search played an important role in it. This will help to clear the availability of the mark.
  3. Correct selection of TM Classes: During the filing TM application, the applicant must be very aware of the nature of their business and select classes accordingly. If they select the wrong class, it will make more chances to get rejected.
  4. Conduct TM Attorney: TM registration is a long and complex procedure that has a higher chance to get rejection. Therefore the applicant must consult with a professional TM attorney. Litem Legalis with several years of experience can be your good choice as TM Attorney.

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Trademark class 38 prevents a business uniqueness that provides services related to telecommunication and broadcasting. Registering a trademark has many benefits through which the trademark holder can expand the business and make a solitary identity among the customers. However, the applicant must ensure about their business nature which helps to select the correct class accordingly. They must consult with the TM attorney through which they can save money and time as well.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Trademark Class 38?

Trademark Class 38 includes all the services associated with telecommunication and broadcasting.

Which documents are required for TM Registration?

The needed documents for an electronic Trademark are a logo, Nature of Goods & Service, Aadhar Card, GST, Signed Power of Attorney, Signed User Affidavit, MSME Certificate, and Start-up Certificate.

What are the fees for Trademark Registration?

The basic government fees for Trademark Registration are Rs. 4500 for the online Registration and Rs. 5000 for the offline mode. This fee will be increased according to the number of Classes selected by the applicants during the filing.

Do voice mail services fall under trademark class 38?

Yes, voice mail services fall under trademark class 38.

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